Procedural Updates

SMART Release Updates January 2021

Since the last significant release in October 2020, work has continued to be focused on features for the Reporting module. This will allow SLTX to transition away from existing legacy applications and mechanisms that perform month-end calculations, report generation and viewing capability, and accounts receivable processes. Additionally, as part of this work, a redesign of various SLTX reports has been completed. The first phase of the Reporting module has concluded and as a result, Month End Reports will now be created with the new method and format. With the January 2021 Month End, reports will be mailed out to all paper filing agents and agencies and will reflect the new format. This includes the Monthly Invoice, Detail Policy Activity Report, Policy Transaction Activity Report, and when appropriate, the Outstanding Ineligible Report, and Duplicate Policy Report.  You may view full-color sample report layouts by clicking on each report name above.  Online filers will still receive their reports via the existing Electronic Filing System (EFS) portal in the original format.

Additionally, the January 2021 release includes features which will allow SLTX to capture and view the National Producer Number (NPN) as provided by TDI within their monthly license data dump, relate to work assignment and distribution of Internal Filings (policies mailed to SLTX for processing), and Internal Filings of policies and/or binders.

By the February 2021 Month End, phase two of the Reporting module deliverables will be on target to include a Report Landing page for all External Filers through the SMART application, which will allow those users to directly obtain their 2021 monthly reports. Additionally, phase two will include the Monthly Late Filing Report, Batch Edit Report (for paper filers), Policy Audit Results, and various other statutorily required reports.

As a reminder, SLTX has already released portions of its new online filing system, SMART. This includes filing features that are specific to automated or “programmatic” filers as these filing methods make up the largest majority of the transactions filed with SLTX. Beta testing is ongoing and feedback by automated filing broker users is strongly encouraged as broker testing is the primary mechanism to ensure data related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. If you, as an automated filer, have not requested the updated Technical Reference and User Guides or are ready to resume beta testing, please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email.

Please note that current EFS processes and procedures will continue to be available and both systems will remain functional and work concurrently until the entire suite of features in SMART are fully delivered.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to existing users of SLTX’s Electronic Filing System (EFS). These notifications may also be found directly on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.

Coverage and Class Codes to Undergo Updates at SLTX

The Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (SLTX) is pleased to announce upcoming updates to numerous coverage and class codes.  After significant analysis, changes were necessary to provide online filing users with a code selection the more accurately coincides with current industry language and products; with the goal to make the code selection a more obvious choice that more clearly matches policy documentation. The following SLTX Coverage and/ or Class codes have been added or have had updates to their description.  All other existing coverages and classifications remain unchanged unless specifically noted below.

SLTX will provide additional online learning materials, as necessary. SLTX tech support is currently working with automated filers to ensure their product code mappings are updated appropriately.

Primarily, these new codes will be available to use beginning January 1st, 2021.

Accident & Health (A&H)

Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Class 00877 Accident & Health – Group

New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9155 A&H – Occupational Accident
Class 00970 Occupational Accident
Class 99956 Occupational Accident - Excess
Class 99960 Accident & Health - Excess


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9302 Auto – Commercial Package (liability + physical damage)
Coverage 9301 Auto – Personal Package (liability + physical damage)
Class 99957 Auto – Excess Commercial Physical Damage
Class 99958 Auto – Excess Personal Physical Damage


New Codes

Type Code Description
Class 99951 Aviation - Excess

Builder's Risk

New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9075 Builder’s Risk - Property
Coverage 9076 Builder’s Risk - Liability
Coverage 9077 Builder’s Risk – Package (Property + Liability)


Mortgage Protection, Lender Single Interest, Forced Placed

Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9028 Credit - Other

New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9032 Credit – Asset / Collateral Protection
Coverage 9026 Credit – Mortgage Protection
Coverage 9027 Credit – Lease Enhancement
Coverage 9031 Credit – Real Estate Owned


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9964 Crime – Employee Theft
Coverage 9965 Crime – Identity Recovery


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9070 Crop – Cannabis / Hemp
Coverage 9071 Crop – Other
Class 11250 Crop


Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Class 99961 Excess – Umbrella (Excess over Excess / Excess over Umbrella)

General Liability (GL)

New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9166 Gen Liab – Representations & Warranties
Coverage 9333 Gen Liab – Employee Benefit Liability
Coverage 9343 Gen Liab – Assault & Battery

Inlane Marine

New Codes

Type Code Description
Class 00315 Inland Marine – Bailed Cotton
Class 99940 Inland Marine - Excess

Med Mal

Formerly categorized as "Professional"

Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9210 Med Mal – Hospital
Coverage 9220 Med Mal – Other Health Facility
Coverage 9230 Med Mal – Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists
Coverage 9240 Med Mal – Other Health Professionals

New Codes

Type Code Description
Class 44421 Medical Spas, Incl Weight Loss Clinics
Class 44428 Imaging Centers, Incl X-Ray, MRI, CT
Class 44427 Home Health Care (Incl Agencies)

Ocean Marine

New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9080 Ocean Marine – Liability
Class 99944 Ocean Marine – Excess


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage See separate guidance


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage See separate guidance
Class 81400 Prof – Lawyers
Class 93141 Prof – Law Enforcement Officer
Class 81500 Prof – Engineers or Architects

Special Events

Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Class 00703 Special Event – Short Term (30 days or Less)

New Codes

Type Code Description
Class 00706 Special Event – Prize Indemnity


New Codes

Type Code Description
Coverage 9495 Patent / Intellectual Property Infringement
Class 94003 Patent / Intellectual Property Infringement

Non-Exclusive Class Codes (for property, liability, or crime)

Update to Existing Codes

Type Code Description
Class 41714 Day Care Centers, Child or Adult
Class 44100 Governmental Municipalities, Fire Department
Class 45192 Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfast, Resort
Class 60010 Apartments, Condos, Townhouses (Commercial Building)
Class 63213 Exhibitions, Incl Rodeo, Sporting Event, Entertainment
Class 88888 Commercial Group Property – Large Risk (Per TIC 2171 and 2152)
Class 99938 Warehouses and Storage Facilities

New Codes

Type Code Description
Class 44421 Medical Spas, Incl Weight Loss Clinics
Class 44428 Imaging Centers, Incl X-Ray, MRI, CT
Class 44427 Home Health Care (Incl Agencies)
Class 21250 Cannabis Dispensary

If you need assistance with the new coverage/ class codes, or you would like to schedule an individual training based on your agency’s lines of business, please contact the SLTX Tech Support team directly by email or phone at (800) 681-5848 (option 2).

The stamping office is here to provide aid and excellent customer service to all in our industry. If there are any questions or concerns, please utilize our  “Submit your Questions” page on our website.

TDI calls for data collection for 2019 North Texas storm

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has issued a data call to all insurers, including surplus lines insurers and insurers licensed to write property and casualty insurance in Texas, for the wind, hail, thunderstorm, and flood event that took place on October 20, 2019, in North Texas. Please visit TDI’s website for data call instructions and related information.

Only companies required to report property lines in 2020 under the statistical plan are required to report data for this event. A list of the surplus lines companies which are required to respond to the data call can be found directly on TDI’s website relating to the data collection bulletin.

Companies must send all reports to TDI’s statistical agent, Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO). ISO needs reporting insurers to complete the attached form on Bulletin #B-0040-20 to set up the appropriate credentials for statistical reporting. Please return the form to ISO at Any questions about registering with ISO should be sent to Once your registration is processed, ISO will provide you with your credentials and relevant reporting instructions.

Property insurers should contact ISO even if the company does not have any claims to report for the wind, hail, thunderstorm, and flood event. These companies will still be required to respond to TDI’s bulletin as provided in the statistical plan.

The first report for data as of September 30, 2020, is due December 28, 2020. Subsequent reports are due on a quarterly basis, 30 days after the end of the quarter. For any questions about how to submit data to ISO, please contact

SMART Release Updates October 2020

On June 19, 2020, SLTX released portions of its new online filing system, SMART. This release contained filing features that are specific to automated or “programmatic” filers as these filing methods make up with the largest majority of the transactions filed with SLTX. Beta testing is ongoing and feedback by automated filing broker users is strongly encouraged as broker testing is the primary mechanism to ensure data related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. If you, as an automated filer, have not requested the updated Technical Reference and User Guides, please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email.

The focus of October’s release are features for the Reporting module, which will allow SLTX to transition away from existing legacy applications. Once complete, both internal and external users will be able to access reports directly through the SMART application. Once the Reporting modules are complete, SLTX will resume work on the internal and external filing modules to include manual entry, transaction inquiry, and corrections. Development and subsequent releases relating to these specific filing modules will resume in early 2021.

While beta testing and feedback are ongoing, current EFS processes and procedures will continue to be available. Both systems will remain functional and work concurrently until the entire suite of features in SMART are fully delivered.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to existing users of SLTX’s Electronic Filing System (EFS). These notifications may also be found directly on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.

TDI Commissioner Approves SLTX Stamping Fee Decrease

Texas Department of Insurance Commissioner Kent Sullivan signed an Order decreasing the stamping fee from the current rate of 0.15% of gross premium to 0.075%. The fee reduction aligns with the recommendation submitted to the Commissioner by the SLTX Board on June 25, 2020.  The new fee will become effective January 1, 2021.

Additionally, SLTX provided notice yesterday that it would reduce the number of lead-days allowed for transactions from 90 days to 45 days; however, because the fee and timing of the change were received today, SLTX has made the necessary adjustments to our system(s) and rescinded the notice.  We will resume acceptance of transactions with the standard lead-time of 90 days. Given the January 1st timing of the fee change and the standard 90-day lead-time, SLTX does not expect that any late filings to be generated due to this change.

The Official Order, SLTX Board recommendation, and associated documents can be found on the TDI website here.

The stamping office is here to provide aid and excellent customer service to all in our industry. If there are any questions or concerns, please utilize our “Submit your Questions” page on our website.

Updated SMART Features Released August 2020

On June 19, 2020, SLTX released portions of its new online filing system, SMART. At this time, surplus lines agents and brokers utilizing the automated filing can begin reviewing necessary changes and testing the new system. A separate communication was sent directly to any existing automated filing agencies, which includes specifics about this latest deployment.

SLTX’s SMART technology uses agile project management methodology, allowing portions of the system to be released as they are developed. This promotes flexibility and adaptability in which changes can be made as needed throughout the process.

The latest release includes “delete” transactions for the application programming interface (API), bug fixes and process improvements, as well as aspects relating to internal filing. Additionally, updates to the API and SMART Connector technical guides as well as the SMART API User Guide have been published. Continued beta testing and feedback by broker users are ongoing and strongly encouraged as testing is the primary mechanism to ensure data related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently.

Adobe will no longer support Flash by the end of 2020. This led SLTX to reprioritize its development and begin work on the reporting elements of SMART sooner than initially anticipated. Work for this module was originally slated for much later in the project timeline, but as SLTX’s current platform uses Flash to manage report generation and view features, it is necessary to transition completely out of this module before support ends. Delays regarding delivery of additional or new features in SMART which relate to external filing may occur. Once reporting modules are complete, SLTX will resume work on the external filing modules to include manual entry, transaction inquiry, and corrections.

As beta testing and feedback are ongoing, current EFS processes and procedures will continue to be available. Both systems will remain functional and work concurrently until the entire suite of features in SMART are fully delivered.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to existing users of SLTX’s Electronic Filing System (EFS).

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.

Commissioner of Insurance to Overlook Recommendation to Reduce Stamping Fee for SLTX

The Texas Department of Insurance has provided a notice of recommendation by the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas Board of Directors regarding a decrease in the stamping fee from the current rate of 0.15% of gross premium to 0.075%. Surplus lines agents provide stamping fee payments to the stamping office which in return funds operations within the organization. The final decision will belong to the Commissioner of Insurance to approve any changes made to the stamping fee.

TDI will be accepting public comments regarding the stamping fee decrease as well as the date for which the decrease will go into effect.

A copy of the recommendation and associated documents can be found here.

The Texas Department of Insurance will also accept written comments regarding the decrease of the stamping fee, but they must be submitted before 5 PM, Central Time, on August 27, 2020. Comments can be sent via mail (Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 112-2A, Texas Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 149104, Austin, Texas 78714-9104) or email (

Updated Plan of Operation Posted on SLTX Website

On July 3, 2020, the Texas Commissioner of Insurance released an official order regarding Plan of Operation amendments for the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas.

The updated Plan of Operation can now be viewed on the SLTX website. Additionally, the prior Plan of Operation is also available on the same webpage.

For more information on the background and timeline in addition to the Plan of Operation, please visit Order No. 2020-6384 on the Texas Department of Insurance website.

Texas Commissioner of Insurance Adopts SLTX Plan of Operation

On July 3, 2020, the Texas Commissioner of Insurance released an official order regarding Plan of Operation amendments for the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas.

Prior to the announcement, the Texas Department of Insurance held a public hearing on June 17, 2020 to consider amendments for the SLTX Plan of Operation. Due to COVID-19, the hearing was held via teleconference. The archived meeting can be found here.

Order No. 2020-6384 provides a background and timeline in addition to the adopted Plan of Operation. For further information, please visit the Texas Department of Insurance website.

FEMA Releases Guidance Packet in Wake of 2020 Hurricane Season

As hurricane season approaches, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced the release of their “COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season.” This guide will allow emergency managers and public health officials to stay prepared in the event of a natural disaster, while continuing to stay alert and responsive during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The packet can also benefit private sectors and non-government organizations to better understand the government’s efforts to stay prepared.

Compared to previous years, FEMA’s program delivery will be different this year due to the pandemic. However, there should not be any major changes regarding program eligibility, time frame for grant awards, or amount of assistance to be provided under the “Individual and Households Program.” Although the focus of the guidance packet is for hurricane season, it may still be useful throughout the COVID-19 pandemic without any notice of storm systems.

FEMA further states they will continue to operate through their locally executed, state managed, and federal incident response system. This will allow for better collaboration between FEMA and state, local, tribal, and territorial partners before hurricane season begins. With this shared understanding, disaster response and recovery efforts will be better executed and received by the nation.

For more information on FEMA’s 2020 pandemic operational guide during the hurricane season, please visit FEMA’s website.

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