Updated SMART Features Released August 2020

Aug 18, 2020 | Procedural Updates

On June 19, 2020, SLTX released portions of its new online filing system, SMART. At this time, surplus lines agents and brokers utilizing the automated filing can begin reviewing necessary changes and testing the new system. A separate communication was sent directly to any existing automated filing agencies, which includes specifics about this latest deployment.

SLTX’s SMART technology uses agile project management methodology, allowing portions of the system to be released as they are developed. This promotes flexibility and adaptability in which changes can be made as needed throughout the process.

The latest release includes “delete” transactions for the application programming interface (API), bug fixes and process improvements, as well as aspects relating to internal filing. Additionally, updates to the API and SMART Connector technical guides as well as the SMART API User Guide have been published. Continued beta testing and feedback by broker users are ongoing and strongly encouraged as testing is the primary mechanism to ensure data related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently.

Adobe will no longer support Flash by the end of 2020. This led SLTX to reprioritize its development and begin work on the reporting elements of SMART sooner than initially anticipated. Work for this module was originally slated for much later in the project timeline, but as SLTX’s current platform uses Flash to manage report generation and view features, it is necessary to transition completely out of this module before support ends. Delays regarding delivery of additional or new features in SMART which relate to external filing may occur. Once reporting modules are complete, SLTX will resume work on the external filing modules to include manual entry, transaction inquiry, and corrections.

As beta testing and feedback are ongoing, current EFS processes and procedures will continue to be available. Both systems will remain functional and work concurrently until the entire suite of features in SMART are fully delivered.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to existing users of SLTX’s Electronic Filing System (EFS).

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.