SLTX Coverage Codes to be Eliminated and Replaced

Dec 17, 2020 | Archive News

The Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (SLTX) is pleased to announce upcoming updates to numerous coverage and class codes. After significant analysis, changes were necessary to provide online filing users with a code selection the more accurately coincides with current industry language, products, and requests for data; with the goal to make the code selection a more obvious choice that more clearly matches policy documentation. The following SLTX Coverage codes are being eliminated to allow SLTX’s data collection and reporting to most accurately reflect the industry’s needs. Other than the new and updated coverages and classifications outlined here, all other codes remain unchanged.

SLTX will provide additional online learning materials, as necessary. SLTX tech support is currently working with automated filers to ensure their product code mappings are updated appropriately.

Primarily, these new codes will be available to use beginning January 1st, 2021.


While most coverage codes include a clear distinction between residential and commercial coverages, “Property” coverages did not include that separation. Given that industry language, products, and data requests standardly reflect a separation in these lines, it has become necessary to separately categorize residential property from commercial property.

To facilitate this change, many of the generalized “Property” coverage codes will be eliminated (in almost every case) in favor of a bifurcated approach to differentiate “residential” vs. “commercial” property coverages. Significant effort was made to maintain the coding consistency with this transition. SLTX codes will retain the last 2 digits of the code and include either a 6 or 5 to differentiate between residential or commercial.  For example, coverage 9010 (Property – Fire) will become either 9510 (Property – Commercial Fire) or 9610 (Property – Residential Fire). All other property coverages not listed below will remain unchanged.

If you need assistance in determining the “Residential” or “Commercial” status of your transaction, you may utilize this Commercial or Residential flowchart. In most cases, the policy documentation includes a clear and obvious designation; however, there may be instances where the path is not as clear.

There may be some isolated instances where it will be necessary to utilize the “old” codes. IF you receive an error message from the Online Filing Application (EFS or SMART) that indicates that the coding selection is incorrect or invalid, please contact the EFS Help Desk via email so that they may enable your agency to use the “old” code for that specific circumstance.

No Longer in Use After 1/1/2021

Type Code Description
Coverage 9010 Prop – Fire (now uses 9510 or 9610)
Coverage 9015 Prop – Fire / Allied Lines (now uses 9515 or 9615)
Coverage 9020 Prop – Allied Lines (now uses 9520 or 9620)
Coverage 9030 Prop – Farmowners / Ranchowners (now uses 9530 or 9630)
Coverage 9045 Prop – Earthquake (now uses 9545 or 9645)
Coverage 9047 Prop – Flood (now uses 9547 or 9647)
Coverage 9050 Prop – Package (now uses 9550 or 9650)

New Codes - Commercial

Type Code Description
Coverage Builder’s Risk See separate guidance
Coverage 9510 Prop – Commercial Fire ONLY
Coverage 9515 Prop – Commercial Fire / Allied Lines
Coverage 9520 Prop – Commercial Allied Lines ONLY
Coverage 9530 Prop – Commercial Farmowners / Ranchowners
Coverage 9545 Prop – Commercial Earthquake
Coverage 9547 Prop – Commercial Flood
Coverage 9550 Prop – Commercial Package (Property and Liability)

New Codes - Residential

Type Code Description
Coverage 9610 Prop – Residential Fire ONLY
Coverage 9615 Prop – Residential Fire / Allied Lines
Coverage 9620 Prop – Residential Allied Lines
Coverage 9630 Prop – Residential Farmowners / Ranchowners
Coverage 9645 Prop – Residential Earthquake
Coverage 9647 Prop – Residential Flood
Coverage 9650 Prop – Residential Package (Property and Liability)

If you need assistance with the new coverage/ class codes, or you would like to schedule an individual training based on your agency’s lines of business, please contact the SLTX Tech Support team directly by email or phone at (800) 681-5848 (option 2).

The stamping office is here to provide aid and excellent customer service to all in our industry. If there are any questions or concerns, please utilize our  “Submit your Questions” page on our website.