February 2025 Filings Reach $1.1B
SLTX recorded $1.12B in February. This represents a 18.7% increase over February 2024, and 26.9% increase year-to-date.
52.1% of premium reported (31.4% of items) is attributable to renewal policies, 41.0% (31.7% of items) to new business, and 6.9% (36.9% of items) to non-policy transactions. Furthermore, non-policy transactions are predominately Premium Endorsements (25,706 items or 65.6% of the 36.9%) and Cancellations (8,446 items or 21.5% of the 36.9%).
The largest increase, Excess/Umbrella Liability coverage, rose $45.0M (or 29.3%). Oil & Gas Property, Commercial General Liability, and Homeowners’ coverages also recorded growth, up $33.8M (9,291.8%), $18.8M (15.4%), and $16.4M (99.4%) respectively. 64.5% of total premium increases can be attributed to these coverages.
Overall transactions reflected growth for February in item counts, up 10.1% when compared to February 2024. A 17.9% increase in policies filed (66,941) was recorded with average premium per item ($10,579) up 7.8% from February 2024. Record-keeping transactions (name, number, or insurer change endorsements; reversals; etc.) and cancellations were up 106.9% and 14.8% respectively.
Texas surplus lines premiums continue to trend with existing hard-market conditions, including results of changes to diligent effort requirements (TX87 SB1367). SLTX continues to monitor the Texas surplus lines market and share data and analysis as recorded or completed.
To request any additional related data or analysis, please contact Christian Robinson, Senior Data Analyst (crobinson@sltx.org).